How to use this site

The Colcestrian Futures project

This website is intended to enable quick and easy communications between CRGS pupils and younger OCS members and more established OCS members for the purpose of gaining insight and assistance for universities and subsequent career paths, including where possible advice on qualifications, applications, CVs and interviews and arranging work experience, internships and perhaps even employment placements.

Messaging system

The names and brief details of OCS members who have volunteered to assist can be found under each of the relevant employment categories and universities. We expect more to be added over time as we receive additional volunteers. You simply select an individual that you think may be able to help you and message him or her using the messaging system provided. This is a private communication between the two of you only.

If you cannot find a group that deals with your specific career or educational interests, please contact us via this page and we will try to locate an Old Colcestrian Society member with expertise or connections in your chosen field.

Focusing your requests

If for any reason you do not receive a response within a reasonable time period (say 5 days) please let us know using the contact form and we can check whether the individual is still able to assist or if there is a problem. You may of course make requests from more than one person in each category or across multiple categories, but we would ask you to try and focus your request in terms of both specific assistance needed and areas in which you have particular interest. A scatter-gun approach may lead to volunteers having more demands made on their time than we would wish.


When you make a request you will be asked to provide feedback to us at the conclusion of your interaction. This is very important as it allows us to keep our system current and improve the service we provide. Volunteers are also asked to provide feedback on the interaction for the same reason. Our intention is to make the whole process as smooth and efficient as possible from both perspectives.

Please also remember to thank any individuals who have helped you and give them any feedback you think would be helpful in terms of the value you have received from interaction with them. It is very important that those who do give freely of their time see that the efforts they have made for you are appreciated.


In addition to this main purpose, the CF website also has a number of other functions. There are forums for each category of employment and university and for general employment/university- related discussions. Here, current pupils and OCS members can converse in open discussions and share ideas, insight and information. As a member of CF you are able to join any discussion in any forum or start a new forum should you wish. Initially, as the website opens, there will be little content in the forums. It is up to you to use them as you think best for you and as they develop they will become increasingly useful.


The website also has a blogs section which allows those with access to the site to post articles that they think may be of interest or assistance to others. If you have something of interest to say please feel free to submit a blog post.

Employment opportunities

We have a jobs/opportunities section as well. At present this is quite sparse. As the site develops we hope to add information on opportunities that may be of interest to CF members and we will be encouraging our members to post employment opportunities etc in their own areas.

Networking and workshop events

The overall CF project is wider than simply this website and includes such events as networking opportunities and employment/university workshops for our members. We will be posting details of such events on the site as and when they are organised.

Developing and improving our service

We have already mentioned the importance of feedback in terms of interactions between CF members. Feedback is also important for the overall development and improvement of the website and the service it aims to provide. Please do let us know of any problems you experience on the website and any suggestions you may have for its improvement or the improvement of any other aspect of the CF service.

We would also appreciate any positive comments that you may have. Please use the contact page to send your comments or suggestions direct to the site administrators.


The site also provides the opportunity for you to communicate directly with the administrators to resolve issues quickly. Please be patient, however, as this site is staffed by people who are working voluntarily and have many other commitments. They will always try to help you as quickly as they can.

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